Students at Pyrland School were sent on a mission to prevent a “climate change apocalypse”, as part of their end of term enrichment week. Fifteen pupils from Years 7, 8 and 9 went on the trip to a secret location in Devon called the Bioasis.
Their task was to assemble a team, decipher sensitive material to locate the start point, then trek into the Bioasis. Guided by the mission leader, they found advance basecamp, learned essential skills, built resilience and helped with rewilding. Along the way they learned team work, problem solving, navigation, camera trapping and had canoe expeditions. There were also lessons in off-grid living, immersive adventure challenges, practical conservation and environmental work.
Geography teacher Sophie Roberts said: “It was a thoroughly wholesome experience and an incredible trip. Students learned bushcraft skills and we all managed to witness a meteor, which was magical.
“On a hike to the estuary to do a clean-up, we collected so much waste, leaving it much cleaner than before. The oldest item we found was from 2005, including a rubber duck found by Finley and Josh. This was followed by a hike to the forest where we took part in our Bioasis defence force training. Student highlights were the campsite vegetable soup, the outdoor showers, camera traps and the activities.
“We had a wonderful talk about prehistory, how we have evolved and the importance of interdependence within ecosystems. Checked our small mammal traps and discovered that we managed to catch a bank vole. This was followed by removing invasive species of rhododendron and laurel. We learnt about the importance of this for maintaining biodiversity.
“We hiked to the estuary for a canoe journey and a much needed cool down in the river. Highlights were our supply drop of doughnuts and hot chocolate and a race to the bridge involving lots of splashing! We then checked our camera traps and made bracelets out of nettles. I must also mention the food. Almost all was locally sourced and organic, largely vegan or vegetarian. All in keeping with their sustainably theme. Also it was so tasty!”
Head Teacher Lisa Webber said: “For the first time ever this year we held a whole week of incredible trips, visits and activities which also included a journey to London to see the musical Matilda, learning to sail in St Ives and an amazing visit to Venice.
“The students had an absolute ball. They made new friends, tried new things and laughed with staff. They have made memories for life.
“Pyrland School has grown by almost 15% over the last two years and we are rapidly improving our reputation, our enrichment, our curriculum and our inclusion. We are investing in spaces, staff and resources next year to more than double our capacity to work positively with students.”
Parent Cathy Chiplen said of the Bioasis trip: “We cannot thank the school enough, our child has had an amazing time and came home very specifically telling me how healthy he feels! I don’t think you can get better feedback from a 13 year old lad than that! Thank you so much to all involved. Lifetime memories made and very much appreciated.”
Parent Christell Charles added: “My son said ‘this is the best four days of my life, I’m not gonna lie Mum.’ Thank you for providing a phenomenal experience for our children.”