At Pyrland School, we consider very carefully what we want every student to experience and learn in their time with us.

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Curriculum Intent

A broad, balanced and enriching curriculum that is unashamedly ambitious for all. Leading to a joyful experience of life in all its fullness.


The culture and ethos of our school is that: 

  • Our school is unashamedly ambitious for our students in all that they do, both in and out of the classroom. Only excellent is good enough for our school and our community. 
  • Students are given regular opportunities to reflect and come together as a community in line with our ethos as a Church of England school. 
  • We actively teach good behaviour as a curriculum element, sharing a simple code of conduct of “Ready, Respect, Safe” and hold all members of our community in unconditional positive regard.
  • We use a relational approach with young people, families and staff to help them regulate their emotions and make good decisions in all aspects of their life.  
  • We provide a rich and challenging range of experiences to push our students to embrace opportunities and dream big.  
  • Our teachers and faculties plan their inspiring and relevant lessons with reference to educational research about how learning works. Students will be thinking, reading and learning in a sequenced way that builds on and revisits prior learning.  
  • Both in and out of the classroom, we are an inclusive school. We identify barriers to learning and plan to help students to overcome them so all can flourish. 
  • Students leave us with an optimistic and self confident attitude to learning and to experiencing new things, people and places.