KS4 Options Process
Choosing GCSE options is always an important decision. We know that parents and students need clear guidance about the process and the courses on offer.
On this page you can see a range of information provided to students to make their options decisions.

Options Information
The Year 9 Options Evening and Year 9 Parents Evening are both after Christmas in the spring term. This is an opportunity for families and students to meet all the subject teachers, consider their strengths and make exciting decisions about what they want to study at KS4.
The Year 9 Progress Evening will be held on 24th February 2025. This is an opportunity to get advice from your child’s teachers about their performance in their subjects.
Year 9 Options Evening will take place on 5th March 2025. All our Year 10 subjects, GCSE and vocational, will prepare stalls with information, demonstrations and advice about what our courses have to offer. Older students will share their perspectives on courses, and local colleges and sixth forms will be on hand to offer advice about next steps.
The deadline for making options choices will be 28th March 2025.