Church School and SIAMS

Collage Of Work

The Vision

Pyrland School is a Church of England secondary school and part of the Richard Huish Education Group. We support, care for and inspire our students, while maintaining high aspirations. Our mission is to guide our students to become independent learners – securing the best possible outcomes and engendering pride in themselves and their community.

As part of the family of Church of England schools within the Bath and Wells Diocese, we are committed to provide a wide range of opportunities to ensure all students make the most of their learning and participate in our school community. We pride ourselves on being an extremely caring school, where our students feel safe, cared for and are aware of the help they can access when issues arise. We have an exceptional pastoral team who get to know students and their families.

The Richard Huish Trust has core values rooted in our Christian vision.

‘Life in all its fullness’.

Our over arching vision is one of human flourishing for all. It is one in which there is an expectation of excellence and academic rigour at all levels and embraces the spiritual, physical, intellectual, emotional, moral and social development of students. Pyrland School cares, nurtures and values everyone regardless of faith and background. We respect individuality and diversity and encourage students to reflect upon themselves and the world around them.


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School Pastors

The school pastors are volunteers from local churches who assist with supporting the well being of students by offering a reassuring and friendly presence. They wear a distinctive uniform so they can be easily identified by students, parents and staff.

At the end of the school day, they patrol outside our school and in our community to support the safety of students as they travel home. They are available for students to talk to as they leave school and on their way home.

Many of our school pastors also assist with other aspects of school life:

  • Listening to students read
  • Mentors
  • Well being ‘walk & talk’
  • Supporting at lunchtimes, talking and providing quiet games and activities
  • Helping on school trips and visits


Christian Ethos Group

The Christian Ethos Group involves school staff, governors and local clergy who all have a variety of experience in education, school management, youth work, pastoral care, and spiritual leadership. The group supports the school in maintaining and developing its Christian ethos in line with the school vision and values and in reviewing the areas of development highlighted through Statutory Inspection of Anglican and Methodist Schools (SIAMS) inspections.

Further information about SIAMS inspections can be found on the Baths and Wells Diocese website:

Schools – Bath and Wells Diocese

School Chaplain

Our school chaplain serves the whole school community regardless of faith or belief; she is a full time member of staff and is part of the pastoral team.

Our chaplain, Mrs Vercoe combines the chaplaincy with her other roles as Transition Lead and DDSL for Mental Health. She spends lots of time listening and talking to students. Students can talk to the chaplain for many different reasons including bereavement, anxiety, friendship difficulties and managing emotions.