Revision Tips for Parents & Carers
Parental support is one of a number of important factors in determining a child’s academic success. The Campaign for Learning found that parental involvement in a child’s education can significantly improve the outcomes at GCSE.
The good news is that parents do not need to be experts in any of the subjects your child chooses to make a real difference. Parents and students also do not need to give up other responsibilities – you just need to know how best to spend the time you have.
Below are QR codes that will take you to a series of videos, created by each of the subject leads from the core subjects.
Please scan them and use the information provided to help you revise and prepare for the exams.

Our Top Ten Tips
Exams are undoubtedly nerve wracking for children and their parents/carers. You might watch over your children in the run up to the exams, as well as during the exam period itself, and wonder to what degree you should be helping. So, with that in mind, here are our top ten tips on how to help children to revise effectively.
1. Encourage your child to make a revision timetable – and stick to it (each student will be given a timetable).
2. Make sure your child has a quiet space to work, with no distractions (no TV, games consoles, mobile phones).
3. Rather than re-reading and copying out old notes, TRANSFORM previously learnt knowledge using one or more of the following revision methods: self-quizzing, mind-mapping, writing partial or whole exam responses, creating time-lines, look/cover/write/check, or flashcard quizzing. This will help your child to make their learning automatic and move it into their long-term memory.
4. Look at on the exam board websites for information about the exam specifications and links to past papers or key resources for each subject.
5. Search out revision apps and online resources – such as BBC Bitesize and Gojimo – to clarify areas your child feels less confident about. Teenagers sometimes concentrate on their best subjects and leave their weaker ones until the end but it is good idea to tackle weak areas early on.
6. Be around as much as possible. You don’t have to be at their side 24/7 but children like parents taking an interest in their revision (but not taking over).
7. Keep the kitchen cupboards stocked with a favourite treat. When the going gets tough children really appreciate a cup of tea, biscuits or snacks.
8. Encourage your children to break revision into manageable chunks and to take regular breaks in between sessions. It’s far more effective to do 30 minutes of successful revision – rather than plough on for hours on end and not get anywhere. This is backed up by research by academics at the University of Sheffield, which found that learning is more effective when spread out over stretches of time.
9. Exercise, fresh air, healthy food and lots of sleep are crucial. As a guide students aged 16 need around 8-10 hours a night.
10. Most important of all, help your child to keep everything in perspective. Remind them the better they prepare and the more confident they feel in their subject knowledge, the less stressed they will feel when the exams start.
– Flash cards
– Mind maps
– Past papers
– SMART goals
For more information about these revision strategies and information about how to effectively support your child through the exam season please contact us.
Videos for revision tips
How to succeed in GCSE English

How to succeed in GCSE Maths

How to succeed in GCSE Science