This term has been a busy one for the Student Council team at TTA. We have forged a strong relationship with our local charity Taunton Open Door (help for the homeless) by donating clothes, visiting their setting, inviting them to share with Year 8 in an assembly and fundraising for the charity. So far, we have made £35 selling ice pops during hot lunch times and a non school uniform day of the year.

We have also sent proposals to Mr Eddy requesting an amendment to the school uniform policy to include tailored shorts. One student wrote a convincing letter full of persuasive rhetoric (Jenson, pictured) and Mr Eddy swiftly responded to this by agreeing to make the change so that students could be more comfortable in lessons on hotter days.

Along with these exciting changes, the Student Council has admirably shared ideas around the behaviour policy and PSHE, taking their tutor group’s ideas into account and feeding them forward into meetings so that Senior Leaders hear the voice of our student body. We have conducted surveys and met with leaders to support positive change across the school.

I want to personally thank every single Student Council member, whether they sold ice pops to sweaty students, wrote letters and proposals to our headteacher, voiced opinion, toured visitors, made posters or wrote minutes for our meetings. They have represented the school impeccably and I anticipate an even more successful year when we return in September.

 Mrs L Jones

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