Curriculum Subjects and Curriculum Maps
(Please note, parents have the right to remove their child from all or part of their Religious Education lessons. Please contact your child’s Head of Year to discuss).
In Years 7, 8 and 9, students will study English, Maths, Science, French, History, Geography, Religious Education, Computing, Music, Drama, Art, Design Technology, Personal, Social and Health Education and Physical Education.
In Years 10 and 11, most students will study English Language GCSE, English Literature GCSE, Maths GCSE, Combined Science GCSE, as well as core PE, RE and PSHE.
In addition, students will have some options to choose from (a mixture of GCSEs and vocational courses) – these are French, History, Geography, Art, Triple Science, Religious Education, Computing, Media Studies, Psychology, Textiles, Product Design, Catering and Hospitality, iMedia, Photography, Performing Arts, Music, Sports Science, Travel and Tourism, Health and Social care and Public Services.
Curriculum map – Design and Technology
Curriculum map – Health and Social Care
Curriculum map – Media Studies